Archive for September, 2009

Hot Mic

Posted in Problem with tags , , , , on September 25, 2009 by friggingmess

Had an interesting incident yesterday. Talked to my significant other for a few minutes and hung up. Or so I thought.

She said she tried to make another call after I hung up, but couldn’t because there was still a connection to my iphone. She was on a wired phone, not a cell.

She tried in vain to yell loud enough for me to hear her. The call disconnected after about 5 minutes.

During that time I had a hot mic. She could clearly hear me and the other person I was talking to even though my phone was in my holster on my waist.

I know what you are thinking. No I did not say anything I would regret. I am pure as the driven snow.

I don’t think I hit anything while putting the phone in the holster and could swear that I hit the sleep button when I finished the call. Most likely I didn’t hit the sleep button and bumped the last called number.

I have heard of one other incident where somebody had their iPhone fail to hangup after a call. Alex Lindsey reported it during a MacBreak weekly podcast.

Makes you think about your privacy doesn’t it?

Dropped call #5

Posted in Problem with tags , , on September 25, 2009 by friggingmess

Had another dropped call. This one was in exactly the same place as my first dropped call. I was near the airport where the service changes from 2g to 3g.

Dropped call #4

Posted in Problem with tags , , , on September 21, 2009 by friggingmess

This is the first dropped call that I’ve had that had nothing to do with 2g/3g network switching.

Was sitting in a parking lot with 3g connection and max signal strength indicated. The person at the other end of the line could no longer hear me. I could still hear her. She was on a landline.

Could be it was at her end because she was calling from a cordless phone that is old and of dubious quality. Guess I’ll never know for sure.